A fiduciary is an individual or corporate entity that has a duty to act with loyalty, care, and good faith for someone based on an established relationship. The fiduciary duty obligates the fiduciary to act in the best interest of the party owed the duty of care. Examples of fiduciaries include...

How Your Loved Ones Can Benefit with a Special Needs Trust
If you have a family member or loved one who has a special need, you already know how important it is that they receive all the benefits available to them. Government benefits are an essential resource that provides for physical care, education, health care, and living expenses for many children and adults...

Guardianships for Adults with Disabilities
North Carolina guardianship and special needs laws provide a legal path for loved ones and family members to apply for guardianship of an adult with disabilities. The laws can be complicated and a caregiver focused on caring for an adult with disabilities might be overwhelmed by the legal requirements to obtain guardianship...

How Are Assets Divided In a Divorce?
Dividing assets during a divorce can be a contentious issue. Each spouse wants their fair share of the marital assets. However, the spouses might believe they are entitled to a larger portion of the marital property. A North Carolina family law attorney can help you fight for your fair share of...

Strategies to Avoid Disputes within Ownership
Disputes among Shareholders ( or Members, Partners or other owners of a business) can cause costly disruptions to your business. Taking steps to prevent these disputes is crucial for all companies. Strategies for resolving shareholder disputes reduce the costs and disruptions from disagreements. A North Carolina business attorney can help. They...

Steps You Should Take When Preparing to Sell Your Business
Selling your business is a significant milestone, often filled with emotions and strategic considerations. As North Carolina business attorneys, we understand the weight of this decision. It's not just about closing a chapter but also about ensuring the legacy of your hard work is well-preserved and continues to thrive under new...

Penalties You Can Face for Not Paying Child Support
Child support is more than just a financial duty; it's a vital support system that ensures a child's welfare. However, life is unpredictable, and sometimes these payments can be neglected. In the state of North Carolina, the repercussions of failing to meet child support payments can be harsh. Our family law...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Starting a Business Partnership
Entering into a business partnership can be an exciting endeavor, as it allows for shared responsibilities, resources, and expertise. However, it is crucial to approach partnerships with careful consideration and clear expectations, and hiring experienced North Carolina business attorneys to help you with the formation of your partnership can help you...

Main Causes of Business Contract Disputes
Business contracts are legally enforceable agreements between parties. Contracts protect you and your company from liability. They also reduce the risk of costly disputes and litigation. Our North Carolina business litigation attorneys assist business owners in business contract disputes.
Unfortunately, predicting every possible dispute that could arise...

How Small Business Owners Can Benefit With an Estate Plan
As a small business owner, you've poured your heart and soul into building your company, aiming to provide a stable financial future for your family. But without strategic planning, your hard work could be jeopardized. That's where estate planning steps in. By collaborating with North Carolina estate planning attorneys, you can...